Accessibility statement for West Sussex Local Offer

Our Local Offer website was tested by the website accessibility monitoring team at the Government Digital Service, which is part of the Cabinet Office, on 6th November 2023. As a result the website has been found to be non-compliant against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.AA standard. Information from the report is below.

To rectify this as quickly as possible, we have decided to bring the Local Offer website ‘in-house’ and be sited on the main County Council website platform.  We hope to do this by end of April 2024. The County Council website meets all requirements for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.AA standard, therefore the new Local Offer website will be fully compliant.

We intend this to be a short to medium term action as whilst this website has been deemed to meet accessibility requirements, it does not have other website functionality that we would like to explore.  Furthermore, we hope to be appointing a new lead officer for the Local Offer website in April 2024 and that person will be asked to develop the Local Offer website further.

Information from report:

How accessible the website is

We checked West Sussex Local Offer on 3 November 2023 against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standard. Based on our testing, this site is partially compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA. This means there are some things which are not fully accessible.

Pages checked

The issues found

Only serious accessibility issues on the sample of pages we tested are listed in this report – these will cause problems for users with access needs when using your website. There are likely to be smaller errors which will make things more difficult for some users. You must carry out your own audit to find and fix issues.

Home page issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard Users should be able to use a keyboard to access all content and functionality of a web page. This means the page can be used by people with no vision as well as people who use alternative keyboards or input devices that act as a keyboard.
    • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible A visible focus helps users know which element has keyboard focus and where they are on the page. When an element gets focus there should be a visible border around it. Highlighting the element that has keyboard focus or is hovered over can provide information like whether the element is interactive or the scope of that element. Operating systems have a native indication of focus, which is available in many browsers. The default display of the focus indicator is not always highly visible and may even be difficult to see especially on coloured backgrounds.
    • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the two blue 'Search' buttons and the 'Facebook' button. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text Visual text, including text-based controls can be scaled so that they can be read directly by users with visual impairments without using assistive technology such as a screen magnifier. Text must be able to be resized up to 200 percent without loss of content or function.
    • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow Reflow or ‘responsive web design’ helps users with low vision who may need to enlarge text on a webpage and read it in a single column without scrolling in more than one direction. It also helps users who are viewing the page on a mobile device. If a page does not support reflow it can appear smaller and more difficult to use or content may be cut off. Navigation menus often collapse into fewer items or into a single menu button to take up less space. All content and functionality must still be fully available.
    • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus Content that appears when an element gets keyboard focus or on mouse pointer hover can confuse users as they may not have intended to trigger an action or may not notice that new content has appeared. This functionality may not show on mobile devices. If using this functionality to display extra content, the following must be true: There should be a way of dismissing the content without changing the hover or focus * unless the content communicates an input error or does not obscure or replace other content If content is triggered on pointer hover, the pointer must be able to be moved over the content without disappearing The content must remain visible until the hover or focus is removed, the user dismisses it, or the information is no longer valid
    • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.
  • Issue:6
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum): Elements must have sufficient colour contrast. Poor colour contrast makes it difficult for someone with sight loss to see the content properly. If there is a big difference between the background and foreground colours it should be much easier to see the difference between them.
    • Where the issue was found: The four 'click to learn more' links, such as the one below 'Education, Health and Care Plans', do not have sufficient colour contrast. The 'Twitter' button does not have sufficient colour contrast.
Feedback page issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
    • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
    • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the blue 'Search' button. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text
    • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
    • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
    • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.
Sign in page issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
    • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
    • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the blue 'Search' and 'Sign in' buttons. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text
    • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
    • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
    • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.
Search Services page issues

  • Issue:1
  • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
  • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard. The results ordering element, which defaults to 'Alphabetically (A-Z)', cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
  • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
  • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the two blue 'Search' buttons. There is no visible focus on the 'Search filters' expandable button under the 'Find services in your area' heading. There is no visible focus on the search result card titles, such as '1 short breaks' and '360 dyslexia'. There is no visible focus on the page numbers in the paignation element. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
  • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text
  • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
  • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
  • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
  • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
  • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.
  • Issue:6
  • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum): Elements must have sufficient colour contrast.
  • Where the issue was found: The 'childcare and pre-school page' & 'terms page' links, and the 'Pin' links below the article cards, do not have sufficient colour contrast. When active, the 'Previous' and 'Next' links do not have sufficient colour contrast. When receiving focus, the inactive tab in the 'What are you looking for'/ 'Narrow down your results' tabs does not have sufficient colour contrast.
  • Issue:7
  • Issue and description: WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value: Select element must have an accessible name. Issue found using Deque Axe. Form labels help assistive technologies to understand what input is expected in a form field. Adding a label reduces confusion and enlarges the clickable area which helps users with limited motor control. Labels should be used for inputs such as: text entry fields radio buttons checkboxes select menus
  • Where the issue was found: The results ordering select element, which defaults to 'Alphabetically (A-Z)', does not have an accessible name. Element Location: #servicesfiltersortservices <select class="" onchange=" $(form).submit(); ga('send', 'event', 'Filter services', 'Sort order', $(this).val());" name="servicesfilter[sortservices]" id="servicesfiltersortservices">
Being Our Best Selves in Crawley Event page issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
    • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
    • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the blue 'Search' button. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text
    • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
    • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
    • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.
  • Issue:6
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum): Elements must have sufficient colour contrast.
    • Where the issue was found: The 'Tweet' button does not have sufficient colour contrast. The 'Email this service' link in the sidebar does not have sufficient colour contrast.
Learning, Training and Work Pathway PDF issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.2 Page titled PDF documents should have titles that describe the topic or purpose of the page. Titles help users understand the topic without having to read the entire document. Without a descriptive title a user may need to spend time searching the document to decide whether the content is relevant. When a PDF is displayed in a browser the title will usually be displayed in the top title bar or as the tab name.
    • Where the issue was found: The page title is missing from the document settings.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 3.1.1 Language of Page Assistive technologies are more accurate when a document has a specified language. For example, knowing the language means screen readers can accurately convert text to speech with the correct pronunciation and visual browsers can display the correct characters. This allows users to understand content better.
    • Where the issue was found: The page language is missing from the document settings.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum): Elements must have sufficient colour contrast.
    • Where the issue was found: The '(*Default route if on benefits)' text does not have sufficient colour contrast. The 'Day service' text does not have sufficient colour contrast.
Accessibility statement page issues

  • Issue:1
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
    • Where the issue was found: The dropdown menus beneath 'Events' and ' Information' in the navigation bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
  • Issue:2
    • Issue and description: WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible
    • Where the issue was found: The focus is barely visible on the blue 'Search' button. There is no visible focus on the 'Feedback' button. At 200% and 400% zoom, there is no visible focus on the 'Menu' button.
  • Issue:3
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text
    • Where the issue was found: At 200% zoom, the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible.
  • Issue:4
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.10 Reflow
    • Where the issue was found: At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the links below 'Events' and 'Information' in the hamburger menu are no longer visible. At 400% zoom and in mobile view (320x256), the 'Feedback' pop-out does not reflow correctly. The left side of the pop-out is cut off, and the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to view the rest of the content.
  • Issue:5
    • Issue and description: WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
    • Where the issue was found: When hovering over the 'Events' and 'Information' dropdown menus in the navigation bar, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content triggered without moving the pointer.

Feedback and Content Information

If you find any problems not listed on this page, please contact us either by email: or call 0330 222 8555.

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 26th January 2024 This statement will be reviewed by April 2024, after the website has been brought ‘in-house’.